SOCIALS: ‘LWL Dinners’ are particularly favourite amongst our network. After all who wouldn’t like an intimate gathering of like-minded peers, […]
SOCIALS: ‘LWL Dinners’ are particularly favourite amongst our network. After all who wouldn’t like an intimate gathering of like-minded peers, […]
The pressure of ongoing isolation to stop the spread of COVID-19 is putting a strain on our relationships. The lockdown fatigue is getting to
For all the Delhiites who keep asking, we are coming for you! Ladies Who Lead partners with The Young FICCI
ROUNDTABLE CONFERENCE: As we enter the 2020s decade, Ladies Who Lead gears up for the next phase of transformation –
It’s totally natural to get sucked into a self-doubt spiral about all things business at the moment. Which activities should you
Speaking to a graduation class at a Mumbai university recently, I was called out by a group of young, intellectually
You are scrolling through your Instagram and a Whats app notification pops up. You switch. As you are replying to that, an email comes through. As you slide that up with the thought that you will get back to it in a minute, twitter shows you someone’s latest 140-character opinion. You are halfway through reading that and an Instagram DM along with an indefinite number of notifications to see how many likes you got on your last post.
Samiksha Shetty is a lawyer-turned-yogini and empath. She made this conscious 180-degree lifestyle change to address her mental and emotional health. Discovering and following through with her yoga and breathwork practice has made her a lucrative career as well as the constant opportunity to help herself and others in the daily manic many of us tend to live in.
There is increasing recognition of the fact that in order to have a more equal dynamic, both parents need to chip in at home and with children so both can enjoy successful careers. Maternity leave in India is now 6 months, companies like Zomato have announced paternal leave and in a historic move, Federal workers in the US will receive 12 weeks of paid paternal leave. So things are changing.