There’s no denying that tech is rapidly permeating every business at an astonishing rate. The advancement in technology has revolutionized the way we live, work and communicate. From artificial intelligence to blockchain, the potential to innovate and disrupt traditional businesses seems limitless.
While this growth presents an abundance of opportunities, there is still a significant lack of diversity within the tech industry. Women, in particular, continue to be underrepresented and undervalued. According to a report by Girls Who Code, only 24% of computing jobs are held by women – a concerning statistic that highlights the need for more women in tech.
Despite some progress in recent years, women still make up only a small percentage of the tech workforce. One of the main reasons for the persistent gap is lack of representation. Young aspiring women don’t have many role models to look upto within the industry. Moreover, the toxic ‘tech bro’ culture further alienates aspiring leaders by reaffirming gender stereotypes and unconscious biases. The pay gap continues to be drastically wide. Retention is one of the biggest challenges. This can only be mitigated by bringing more senior roles within their reach.
Women in tech are in a unique position to embrace the rich possibilities that the industry has to offer. We need to bolster the number and influence of women in tech leadership roles to unlock the industry\’s immeasurable potential.
In tandem with the theme for this International Women’s Day, we at Ladies Who Lead, organised a thought-provoking event for #WomenInTech. At our Expresso Aakrit Vaish, CEO, Haptik; Manisha Raisinghani, Co-founder, LogiNext in conversation with Neha Motwani, Founder & CEO, Fitternity & Angel Investor spoke about eliminating barriers and expanding the funnel for women in tech by plugging the digital skills gap, driving innovation and spearheading inclusion. This stirring conversation was a step to lead the curve and inspire tomorrow’s tech leaders, today!
Encourage more girls and young women to pursue education and careers in STEM.
Have more of these conversations to highlight the highly valuable skills that women bring to the tech table.
Increased participation of women in tech in industry events and networking groups— as a sign that we are headed in the right direction.
Although we are seeing some progress, there is still much work to be done. As the world becomes increasingly digital, it’s more important than ever to recognise and celebrate the contributions of women in tech. For too long, the industry has been dominated by men. It’s time to change the narrative.
As long as there are women who are willing to stand up and lead the change, there is hope for a brighter future.