LWL Member, Shivani Daiya\'s Thoughts on Letting Go In Order To Grow - Ladies Who Lead

LWL Member, Shivani Daiya\’s Thoughts on Letting Go In Order To Grow

By Shivani Daiya 

Head of Marketing and Communications, Omidyar Network India 

LWL Member

Taking time off in-between jobs can also be a fertile space. Our member Shivani Daiya, Head of Marketing and Communications,  Omidyar Network India talks about how personal and professional expansion can happen through  action and inaction. 

“ Chill ”

“ Go on a holiday! ”

“ Do what’s right for you ”

“ Move on as soon as you can”

I didn’t listen to anyone. Instead, I immersed myself in books. Lots and lots of books. The one I resonated with most was How to Stop Time, because that’s what I really  wanted to do. (No, this isn’t about a tragic event like death or heartbreak, but this story is about switching roles). Though for some people, it can be tragic and I’ll get to ‘attachment’ later on, but for now, I was happy living in the unknown world of not knowing what tomorrow will bring and being able to watch a movie on a Wednesday afternoon or sit cozy indoors when it\’s pouring outside.

It’s all fun and games, until one day, it hits you – what’s my story? What will the next chapter of my life look like? 

Passion driven purpose

False purpose seems like fiction in a world of non-fiction, and to find that purpose can be deceptively hard but finally you have to ask – Does it move you? It’s said that passion often comes with a lot of suffering. Not the kind that’s torturous, but the meaningful kind that comes with a relentless commitment to doing more and serving more. Can you find a way to love it on the hardest of days? If so, the suffering will guide you. If not, then it isn’t really your passion, is it? I found that passion in impact investing. Every morning I wake up with gratitude  knowing that my work is improving the lives of the next half billion (aspirers and  strivers). When you think about your life, keep asking – how am I keeping the spark alive in my life? What am I doing every day to fuel my passion?

Attachment isn’t love

Everyone carries baggage. You’re bound to get attached to the work you do, especially  when you pour your heart and soul into it, but I’ve learnt that people, jobs and businesses are not promised. Whether you’re shutting shop and starting fresh or  switching jobs, the connections you create are foundational in crafting you into who  you’re meant to be. Your last start-up or as the cool kids call it “gig” isn’t a failure as  much as a sweet memory that you look at and say “I built that ”. The people you worked  with challenged you to grow outside your comfort zone and for that be grateful. Cherish the experiences – the good ones and the bad ones. Love it, but don’t get attached to  it because the only constant in life is change and the more you let go, the more  headspace you will have to create new beginnings.

Take your time

Guess what? It’s okay to take that sabbatical, go on that holiday or leave that job to start something you truly love doing. It’s also okay to take time (as much as you want)  in between two jobs. We’re not bound to anybody’s opinions of how, where or what the next chapter of our lives look like. Pace yourself and definitely don’t rush into the next best thing. That’s when the principal of ikigai comes to play. Take time to find  your raison d\’être (life purpose). Talk to experts in your area of interest, dip your toes into the water before diving in. Finally, what makes you truly happy is a sense of belonging to the work you do and  people you work with. It’s the passion driven purpose and those moments of  transcendence that fill you up and the story you tell yourself.

You’re the author of your life and you have the power to edit it anytime you want.

After completing her masters in Strategic Marketing from the UK, Shivani moved to Mumbai  and has built a successful career in brand strategy, at the intersection of design, marketing, communication and narrative building.

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