Lulu Raghavan, MD Landor: Workshop on Personal Branding
“Is everything you do aligned with what you stand for? Do you stand out in the sea of sameness?” Asks Lulu Raghavan to the audience at the LWL Engage Conference.
She shares her top insider tips on 3 traits of building a brand and honing in what it stands for:
1. Purpose – succinct and motivating reason for you to exist, it acts as your North Star
2. Positioning – what you do that is different than others
3. Personality – if your brand was a person, the kind of human traits would it have
Currently managing director of Landor Mumbai, Lulu has been in the business of building brands since 1997. She has spent 18 of those years at Landor, working across four different offices: London, Mumbai, New York, and San Francisco. Armed with only a laptop while working from home in the beginning, Raghavan is credited with single-handedly setting up Landor’s business in India.