Mentorship: A Path to Success - Ladies Who Lead

Mentorship: A Path to Success

In any and every domain, seniority and juniority have been long bound by mentorship. 

The relationship between mentoring can be of a variety of forms. It could be peer mentorship, mentorship of a reverse nature wherein the juniors mentor seniors so that they can get a novel perspective, or flash mentoring wherein the employees and group mentorship. What is noteworthy is that mentorship is, no matter what form it is in, it’s a path to success. 

Understanding Mentorship Circles

When it comes to a peer mentorship program, both mentees and mentors are important. Such circles usually have a facilitator who takes care of the administrative needs of the group. On the basis of the similarities between the mentees as well as their goals, the relationship of mentoring can vary greatly. To undertake a holistic approach, many times, mentoring circles opt for flash mentoring wherein a variety of mentors give quick and short sessions to the mentees. This fosters the interaction of mentees with leaders in a more dynamic manner. 

The Importance of a Mentor

Be it peer to peer mentorship or mentorship of some different form, it is important to have a mentor in your workplace. Sometimes, this ignites the latent mentor in a mentee. While many of us might be successful at something, a majority of the population doesn’t. And lack of mentorship stands out to be one of the prime reasons. So, aspiring professionals are always advised to seek mentoring. A mentor is somebody who can fuel you with courage and help you see past your limitations. There is no iota of doubt that the rate of failure in a particular domain is a real number but it is only a mentor who makes you realize that they have a context too. They have survived through this context and are well-versed in ways in which you can deal with it. They are the ones who can tell you how to deal with hindrances that can hamper your way to success. They will help you dodge some really lethal pitfalls. 

One of the key peer mentorship benefits is that you can climb a deadly ridge along with a seasoned expert who has been doing to-and-fro for a long time now. A mentor radiates ebullience that helps you push your limits. A mentor can help you in living above your ability. It helps you break free from the cycle of complacency – the cycle of underestimating yourself. A mentor lets you keep track of your progress toward your goals. With a mentor by your side, you won’t fall prey to the thoughts of irrational fear and self-doubt.

Henceforth, it is a mentor who will give you the right amount of inspiration and guidance to stretch yourself further than you have before.

Finding a Mentor

Finding the right mentor can help you become successful much earlier and in a better manner. In order to find a mentor, it is imperative to be with a company of people whom you wish to get inspired from. If you do not have somebody like this in your life, start attending seminars and join meetup groups. Herein, you can find like-minded people. By networking with such people, you will come across somebody who shares the same passions and the same goals in life and has managed to cut the mustard down in the domain you wish to be a part of. 

At Ladies Who Lead, you can get in touch with umpteen mentors who can help you grow like never before. You can become a member now!

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